Life as a Retail Security Officer

Security Industry Update FROM APRIL 2021 PEOPLE TAKING THEIR SIA TRAINING FOR THE FIRST TIME WILL NEED TO SHOW THAT THEY HAVE AN EMERGENCY FIRST AID AT WORK QUALIFICATION. THIS REQUIREMENT IS ONLY FOR NEW LICENSE-HOLDERS While the Covid19 vaccine program picks up pace many individuals will be looking toward renewing their SIA security licence or to […]

SIA-approved remote security officer course

Approved Remote SIA Security Officer Course

GTS Solutions is pleased to add to its offering of training resources with an SIA-approved Level 6 remote security officer course. As one of the first companies in Scotland to deliver such a course, we are delighted to be able to bring this to market. The first of the five-day courses started on July 6, […]

Charlie keen to repay faith shown in him


Grateful for support: Charlie McIlwee In our latest in a series of Q&As with staff members, Charlie McIlwee explains why he enjoys working for GTS Solutions so much. Name: Charlie McIlwee. Age: 63. Job: Security guard, Fife. Tell us a little about yourself? Did you attend high school & College? When I was younger, I […]